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Baza (A.K.A., "Inter-esperanto")--The World's Easiest Language

Baza is a simple, international language with the following functions:

1) Baza is an International Auxiliary Language, used as a second, neutral language for world communication.
2) Baza, also known as Inter-esperanto, functions as a simple, basic language that can unite the speaking communities of Esperanto, Ido, Mondlango, and other Esperanto derived lanuages.
3) Although a language in itself, Baza can also simple be a stepping stone language, learned prior to studying traditional Esperanto, Ido, Modlango, and other Esperanto-based language systems.

Baza derives its vocabulary and grammar from Esperanto, but begins by greatly reducing the number of core words and simplifying the grammar, making it more universal in nature to the entire family of Esperanto-inspired languages. Upon learning the basics of Baza, one can communicate with millions of people around the world, who currently speak Esperanto, Ido, or another form of reformed Esperanto.

The Basic Rules of Baza ("Inter-esperanto")

The basic rules of Baza are as follows:

1) The personal pronouns shall be mi, vi, li, sxi, gxi, si, ni, ili, oni (I, you, he, she, it, self, we, they, one). Possessive pronouns are formed by adding a to these.
2) Simple questions (requiring ‘yes/no’ reponse) will be formed simply by adding “Jes” or “No” at the end of the sentense, and adding a question mark. “Vi amas mi, jes?”
3) The Suffix -n is not required to indicate which noun is the object of the verb. Rather, a word order sequence of Subject-Verb-Object will serve this function. However, well established words may retain the n in common usage, such as, “Bonon tagon”.
4) Plural forms of words will end in ‘j’.
5) The basic cardinal numerals (ala, “one, two, three, four”), which do not vary for case, are unu, du, tri, kvar, kvin, ses, sep, ok, naux, dek, cent, mil.
6) There is no indefinite article; there is only one definite article, “la”.
7) Adjectives are created by adding “a” to the root, and adverbs are created by adding “e” to the root word. These do not have to agree with the direct object.
8) Verb endings will be ‘as’ (present), ‘is’ (past), and ‘os’ (future).
9) Every word is spelled phonetically.
10) In linguistic philosophy, Baza is not so much concerned with addition as it is with subtraction. In Baza, vocabulary is intentionally reduced to certain core words. When communicating in Baza, one must submit to the discipline of using only the prescribed vocabulary to express communicative intent. In some languages, using many words is a sign of sophistication. In Baza, the reverse is true.

a b c ĉ d e f g ĝ h ĥ i j ĵ k l m n o p r s ŝ t u ŭ v z

The consonants are pronounced similar to standard English. Exceptions are as follows:
c ts as in dance. Pronounce the ‘t’ and then the ‘c’.
ĉ ch as in chop
g 'hard' g as in go
ĝ 'soft' g as in George
ĥ ch in Scottish loch
j y as in yam
ĵ is like s in pleasure
s always like s in sip
ŝ sh as in shell
ŭ w as in west

Note: Preferably, the letter ‘r’ is not rolled in Baza. However, it may be lightly flapped, if desired.

Combination sounds are as follows:
like y in sky
like ay in day
like oy in boy
like ouy in bouy, but as one syllable

like ow in cow

say “eh” and “w” as one syllable

Reference Information (for information only)

Correlatives (Esperanto):
ti- ki- i- cxi- neni-
-a tia = that kind of
tian = that kind of kia = what kind of
kian = what kind of ia = some sort of
ian = some sort of cxia = every kind of
cxian = every kind of nenia = no such
nenian = no such
-al tial = therefore kial = why ial = for some reason cxial = for every reason nenial = for no reason
-am tiam = then kiam = when iam = sometime cxiam = always neniam = never
-e tie = there, in that place
tien = there, to that place kie = where
kien = where to ie = somewhere
ien = somewhere cxie = everywhere
cxien = everywhere nenie = nowhere
nenien = nowhere
-el tiel = so kiel = how iel = somehow cxiel = every way neniel = no way
-es ties = that one's kies = whose ies = someone's cxies = everyone's nenies = no-one's
-o tio = that
tion = that kio = what
kion = what io = something
ion = something cxio = everything
cxion = everything nenio = nothing
nenion = nothing
-om tiom = so much kiom = how much iom = some cxiom = all neniom = none
-u tiu = that one
tiun = that one kiu = who
kiun = whom iu = someone
iun = someone cxiu = everyone
cxiun = everyone neniu = no-one
neniun = no-one

Correlatives (Ido):

PERSON qua/i (i)ta/i ulu/i irgu/i nulu/i omnu/i
THING quo/i (i)to/i ulo/i irgo/i nulo/i omno/i
PLACE ube ibe ulaloke irgaloke nulaloke omnaloke
TIME kande lore ulatempe irgatempe nulatempe sempre
WAY quale tale ule irge nule omne
QUANTITY quanto tanto ulaquanto irgaquanto nulaquanto omnaquanto

NOTE: Baza corresponds to the Esperanto Correlatives listed above. Ido and Mondlango Correlatives are listed only as a reference.

Mondlango Correlative adverbs

     Mondlango        English
Ial for some reason
Iel somehow
Iam sometime
Ie somewhere
Iom some quantity
Kial why
Kiel how
Kiam when
Kie where
Kiom how much
Tial therefore
Tiel that way
Tiam at that time
Tie in that place
Tiom that much
Cial for every reason
Ciel by all means
Ciam for ever
Cie everywhere
Ciom all quantities
Nial for no reason
Niel in no way
Niam never
Nie nowhere
Niom nothing

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

Baza Core Vocabulary


yes jes
no ne
hello saluton
goodbye ĝis
welcome bonvenon
thanks dankon
please mi petas
again denove
already jam
also ankaŭ
always ĉiam
beautiful bele
certainly certe
clearly klare
early frue
everywhere ĉie
far malproksime
frequently ofte
here ĉi tie
late malfrue
later pli malprue
likely verŝajne
loud laŭte
maybe eble
much multe
naturally kompreneble
near proksime
neatly nete
never neniam
now nun
nowhere nenie
often ofte
only nur
possibly eble
rarely malofte
seldom malofte
sometimes kelkfoje
soon preskaŭ
still ankoraŭ
there tie
today hodiaŭ
tomorrow morgaŭ
unlikely neverŝajne
usually kutime
very tre
well bone
wrong malkorekte
yesterday hieraŭu
advanced avancata
alive viva
antique antika
available disponebla
awful terura
bad malbona
beautiful bela
big granda
black nigra
blue blua
boring enuiga
bright hela
brown bruna
cheap malmultekosta
clean pura
clear klara
closed fermata
cold malvarma
common kutima, ordinara
correct korekta
cosy sociema, intima
dark malluma
defective difekta
dense kompakta
developed klera
different malsama
difficult malfacila
dirty malpura
dissatisfied malkontenta
dry seka
dumb malsaĝa
easy facila
educative edukativa
expected atendita
expensive multekosta
experienced sperta
fantastic fantazia
far alproksima
fast rapida
fat grasa
filled solida
flying volanta
funny drola, komika
general komuna
gentle amabla
good bona
gray griza
green verda
happy kontenta
hard (not easy) malfacila
hard (not soft) dura
healthy sana
heavy peza
high alta
hollow malmasiva
horrific horora
ill malsana
improved pliboniĝita
incorrect malkorekta
intelligent inteligenta
interesting interesa
invited invitata
known konata
large larĝa
light (not dark) luma
light (not heavy) malpeza
liquid fluaĵa
little malgranda
long longa
loud laŭuta
low malalta
many multaj
moving movanta
much multa
narrow mallarĝa
near proksima
new nova
next sekvanta
nice amuza, bona
old maljuna (living creatures), malnova (objects)
open malferma
orange oranĝa
other alia
pink roza
poor malriĉa
previous antaŭa, pasinta
primitive primitiva
purple violeta
quick rapida
red ruĝa
rich riĉa
round ronda
same sama
satisfied kontenta
short mallonga, malalta
sick malsana
similar sama
simple simpla
slow malrapida
soft maldura
strange fremda
strong forta
terrible terura
thick dika
thin maldika
warm varma
weak malforta
wet malseka
white blanka
wide larĝga
wonderful belega
yellow flava
young juna
to accept akcepti
to add aldoni, aligi
to agree konsenti
to allow permesi
to answer respondi
to appear aperi
to ask demandi
to attack ataki
to be able to povi
to begin komenci
to believe kredi
to bring (something or someone to) alporti
to build konstrui
to burn bruli
to buy aĉeti
to calculate kalkuli
to catch kapti
to call/to phone telefoni
to carry elporti, porti
to change ŝsanĝi
to choose elekti
to close fermi
to come veni
to complain plendi
to continue daŭrigi
to cook kuiri
to count nombri
to create krei
to cry plori
to decide decidi
to defend defendi
to discover malkovri
to dance dansi
to die morti
to discuss diskuti
to do fari
to draw desegni
to drink trinki, drinki (alcohol)
to drive veturi
to eat manĝi
to erase viŝi
to enter enri
to exist ekzisti
to expect antaŭvidi, atendi
to experience sperti
to explain ekspliki
to fall fali
to feel senti
to fear timi
to fight batali
to find trovi
to finish fini
to fly voli
to follow sekvi
to forget forgesi
to get (something) obteni
to give doni
to go iri
to grow kreski
to hate malami
to have havi
to have to (must) devi
to heal saniĝi
to hear aŭdi
to heat varmigi
to help helpi
to hit frapi, bati
to hope esperi
to hurt dolori
to invite inviti
to join partopreni, aligi, anigi
to keep teni
to kill mortigi
to know scii
to land alteriĝi
to laugh ridi
to learn lerni
to leave/to part foriri
to lie mensogi
to like ŝati
to listen aŭskulti
to live vivi
to lose perdi
to look rigardi
to love ami
to make fari
to meet renkonti
to move movi
to need bezoni
to offer oferi
to open malfermi
to paint pentri
to pay pagi
to pay attention atenti
to play ludi
to prepare prepari
to prove pruvi
to put poni
it rains pluvas
to receive ricevi
to remember memori
to remove forigi
to repeat repeti
to rule regi
to run kuri
to say diri
to search serĉi
to see vidi
to send sendi
to sing kanti
to sit sidi
to show montri
to smile ridi
to sleep dormi
it snows neĝas
to speak paroli
to spend (time or money) dediĉi
to stand stari
to steal ŝteli
to stop halti
to study studii
to take (something or someone from) preni
to take off deteriĝi
to talk paroli
to taste provi
to teach instrui
to tell rakonti
to think pensi
to throw ĵeti
to touch tuŝi
to translate traduki
to travel vojaĝi
to try provi
to understand kompreni
to visit viziti
to vote voĉdoni
to wait atendi
to wake up vekiĝi
to walk promeni
to want voli
to watch rigardi
to win gajni
to wish deziri
to work labori
to write skribi
arm brako
back dorso
body korpo
finger fingro
foot piedo
hand mano
head kapo
leg gambo
appartment apartamento
building konstruaĵo
city urbo
highway/motorway autostrado
hospital malsanulejo
location loko
office oficejo
street strato
village/town vilaĝo
money mono
price prezo
product produto
shop butiko
country/state lando
flag flago
government regado
king reĝo
president prezidento
prince reĝido
princess reĝidino
queen reĝino
lesson leciono
school lernejo
subject temo
teacher instruisto (male), instruistino (female)
university universitato
beef bovaĵo
beer biero
bread pano
chicken kokaĵo
food manĝo
fish fiŝsaĵo
fruit fruktaro
meat viando
milk lakto
pork porkaĵo
vegetables legomo
water akvo
wine vino
bed lito
chair seĝo
door pordo
floor (not “roof”) planko
house domo
lamp lampo
roof tegmento
room ĉcambro
table tablo
window fenestro
book libro
character litero
dictionary vortaro
grammar gramatiko
letter (to mail) letero
language lingvo
sentence frazo
story historio, rakonto
word vorto
bird birdo
canal kanalo
cat kato
cow bovino
cloud nubo
beach plaĝo
dog hundo
fish fiŝo
flower floro
forest arbaro
garden ĝardeno
horse ĉevalo
moon luno
park parko
planet planeto
plant planto
rain pluvo
river river
sea maro
snow neĝo
space spaco
sun suno
star stelo
tree arbo
water akvo
weather vetero
world mondo
boss estro
boy knabo
boyfriend amanto
child infano
father patro
girl knabino
girlfriend amantino
grandfather avo
grandmother avino
husband edzo
man viro
mother patrino
person persono
people homoj,
woman virino
wife edzino
chemistry ĥemio
height alto
length longo
physics fisiko
science scienco
size grando
clock horloĝo
day tago
hour horo
future futuro
minute minuto
past estinto, paseo
present estanteco, hodiaŭo
second sekondo
time tempo
week semajno
year jaro
airplane aviadilo
bike biciklo
boat (small) boato
bus buŝo
car aŭto
ship (large) ŝipo
subway/metro metro

Prefixes (from Esperanto)
bo- in-law filo son bofilo son-in-law
dis- separation doni to give disdoni to distribute
eks- former edzo husband eksedzo ex-husband
ek- start vidi to see ekvidi to catch a glimpse of
fi- immoral libro book filibro dirty book
ge- both sexes patro father/parent gepatroj parents
mal- opposite (note: not "bad") varma warm malvarma cold
pra- long ago historio history prahistorio prehistory
re- again legi to read relegi to read again

Suffixes (from Esperanto)
-aĉ filthy vetero weather veteraĉo foul weather
-ad continuation studi to study studado act of studying
-aĵ thing manĝi to eat manĝaĵo food
-an member klubo club klubano club member
-ar collection arbo tree arbaro forest
-ebl possible vidi to see videbla visible
-ec quality libera free libereco freedom
-eg increases domo house domego mansion
-ej place kuiri to cook kuirejo kitchen
-em tendency paroli speak parolema talkative
-er piece of polvo dust polvero dust mote
-estr boss lernejo school lernejestro principal
-et reduces domo house dometo cottage
-id offspring kato cat katido kitten
-iĝ become naski
verda to bear
green naskiĝi
verdiĝi to be born
to become green
-ig causation dormi to sleep dormigi to put to sleep
-il tool tranĉi to cut tranĉilo knife
-ind worthy laŭdi to praise laŭdinda praiseworthy
-ing socket kandelo candle kandelingo candlestick
-ĉj male diminutive patro father paĉjo papa
-in female avo
leono grandfather
lion avino
leonino grandmother
-ism ideology Markso Marx (Karl) marksismo Marxism
-ist professional baki to bake bakisto baker
-nj female diminutive patrino mother panjo mama
-op group tri 3 triopo threesome
-uj container cigaro cigar cigarujo cigar box
-ul guy nova new novulo novice

Questions or comments? Get in touch with Greg Hoover, the founder of Baza ("Inter-esperanto") at: